Thuja occidentalis
Seedling: 6-12"
Mature Height/spread: Arborvitae (Tree of Life) can grow up to 40-50 ft with a spread of 10-15′. Slow to medium growth rate average 13-24″ per year in ideal conditions.
Soil / Climate: White Cedar enjoy limestone soils, moist, boggy areas. Northern White-Cedar is tolerant of acidic and alkaline soils. Generally quite adaptable and tolerant once established, full sun. Partial shade is tolerated but plants become thin, open and much less appealing. Does well in cold climates.
White Cedar is an evergreen tree with fan-like branches and scaly leaves. Conical shape, dense lumber is prized for its resistance to rot. Can be single-or multi-trunked. Has light brown or reddish-brown oblong blunt tip cones that are 3/8 -1/2″ in diamater. White cedar is commercially used for rustic fencing and posts, lumber, poles, shingles and in the construction of log cabins. Good for hedges, screens and windbreaks: place seedlings three feet apart for a tight hedge. The White Cedar can live up to 800 years old and contains a great deal of Vitamin C in it’s foliage.
Wildlife: Often browsed by deer. Cover and nesting for birds. Seeds are eaten by squirrels and birds.
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